Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Department of Justice Works with Jurisdictions to Comply with Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

Department of Justice Works with Jurisdictions to Comply with Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

See what 12,800 Criminal Defense Lawyers say about SORNA

Abolish the Public Sex Offender Registry

12,800 attorneys examined the guidelines set forth in the Adam Walsh Act and SORNA and all have rejected the Federal Acts as having a great many flaws. They found the imposition of these regulations upon not only the states but also the citizens to be ineffective at protecting society as well as unconstitutional and harmful to men, women, children and families as a whole.
If you will take the time to read the full article, and realize this article has the backing of THOUSANDS of professional who work in the criminal justice system you will see, these professionals know full well SORNA and the Adam Walsh Act were put together by people who had no clue the impact or legality of what they had created.
If you are a politician or lawmaker and want to be a leader, someone who actually cares about America and her people, I would suggest you promote the work being done here at Citizens for Change, America. A full blown investigation into just how and why the Adam Walsh Act ever was made into law. Ask yourself after you look into this matter, To what level of corruption was this law implemented? Who stands to profit from the Adam Walsh Acta and SORNA. Who is already profiting? If you follow the money.. I am quite sure you will come up with some very interesting things.

12,800 Criminal Defense Lawyers say NO to the Sex Offender Registration Notification Act

Thank you,
Amanda King
Citizens for Change, America ,

1 comment:

  1. Having done a lot of internet research on this case myself, I do not believe the Sears abduction story. I believe it was a staged event.
